Choosing the perfect name for your baby girl can be an exciting yet challenging task. If you’re drawn to names that start with the letter "E," you're in for a treat. The letter "E" offers a range of beautiful and meaningful names from various cultures and languages. Here are 264 baby girl names that begin with "E," along with their meanings and origins, to help inspire you in your naming journey.
- Elara: A name of Greek origin, possibly associated with the moon as it's also the name of one of Jupiter's moons.
- Elaraine: A variant of Elara, this name carries a celestial charm, enhanced by the suffix -ine.
- Elayne: An English name, often a variant of Elaine, meaning "bright, shining light."
- Elba: A name with multiple origins, Elba could be derived from the Italian island of Elba, or it might mean "goddess" in African languages.
- Eldora: A unique name, possibly derived from the Old English "ealdor," meaning "ruler" or "chief."
- Eldorah: A variant of Eldora, Eldorah adds an exotic touch to the classic theme of leadership.
- Eleanor: A popular English name derived from the French name Alienor, meaning "light" or "bright one."
- Eleanora: A variant of Eleanor, emphasizing the bright and shining aspect of the name.
- Eleanore: Another variant of Eleanor, Eleanore is a classic name that exudes elegance.
- Elen: A Welsh name, possibly derived from "hel," meaning "torment" or "brightness."
- Elena: A Spanish and Italian name, derived from Helen, meaning "light" or "torch."
- Elene: A variant of Helen, Elene is a classic name that carries a sense of brightness.
- Elenora: A variant of Eleanor, Elenora is a name that combines the brightness of light with a touch of vintage charm.
- Elenore: A variant of Eleanor, Elenore is a timeless name that exudes elegance and grace.
- Eleonora: An Italian form of Eleanor, meaning "light" or "bright one."
- Eleonore: A French form of Eleanor, sharing the same meaning of "light."
- Elfie: A pet form of names like Alfreda or Elfrida, meaning "elf counsel" or "wise elf."
- Elfreda: An English name derived from "elf counsel," suggesting wisdom and guidance.
- Elfrieda: A German name meaning "elf counsel," reflecting a sense of wisdom and guidance.
- Elfriede: A variant of Elfrieda, sharing the same meaning and origin.
- Elga: A name of German origin, possibly derived from "el" meaning "god" and "ga" meaning "spear."
- Elgin: A Scottish name, possibly derived from the Gaelic "eilginn," meaning "rocky" or "speckled."
- Eliana: A Hebrew name meaning "God has answered" or "the Lord is gracious."
- Elicia: A variant of Alicia, meaning "noble" in Old German.
- Elida: A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from Elida, a character in Sir Walter Scott's "The Betrothed."
- Elidia: A Spanish name, possibly derived from the Greek word "elikos," meaning "olive tree."
- Elin: A Scandinavian name, possibly derived from "hel," meaning "torment" or "brightness."
- Elina: A Finnish name, meaning "little light" or "torch."
- Elinor: A variant of Eleanor, Elinor is a classic name that combines the brightness of light with a touch of vintage charm.
- Elinore: A variant of Eleanor, Elinore is a timeless name that exudes elegance and grace.
- Elisa: A Spanish and Italian form of Elizabeth, meaning "pledged to God."
- Elisabet: A Scandinavian form of Elizabeth, meaning "God is my oath."
- Elisabetta: An Italian form of Elizabeth, sharing the same meaning of "pledged to God."
- Elisabeth: A German form of Elizabeth, meaning "pledged to God."
- Elise: A French form of Elizabeth, meaning "pledged to God."
- Elisha: A Hebrew name meaning "God is my salvation."
- Elissavet: A Russian form of Elizabeth, meaning "pledged to God."
- Elissa: A variant of Elizabeth, Elissa is a modern and elegant name.
- Eliza: A short form of Elizabeth, meaning "pledged to God."
- Elizabet: A variant of Elizabeth, Elizabet is a classic name that carries a sense of grace and elegance.
- Elizabeth: A popular English name derived from the Hebrew name Elisheva, meaning "pledged to God."
- Elizaveta: A Russian form of Elizabeth, meaning "pledged to God."
- Ella: A short form of names like Eleanor or Elizabeth, Ella is a timeless name that exudes elegance.
- Elladine: A unique name with uncertain origins, possibly a blend of Ella and Adine.
- Ellen: A Greek name meaning "light" or "torch," also a short form of names like Helen.
- Ellene: A variant of Helen, Ellene is a classic name that carries a sense of brightness.
- Ellette: A variant of Ellen, Ellette is a modern and elegant name.
- Elli: A short form of names like Elizabeth or Elinor, Elli is a simple and elegant name.
- Ellie: A popular short form of names like Eleanor or Elizabeth, Ellie is a timeless name that exudes charm.
- Elliot: A unisex name, Elliot is a variant of the name Elias, meaning "Jehovah is God."
- Elliotte: A variant of Elliot, Elliotte adds a touch of elegance to the classic name.
- Elliza: A variant of Elizabeth, Elliza is a classic name that carries a sense of grace and elegance.
- Ellyn: A variant of Ellen, Ellyn is a modern and elegant name.
- Ellynn: A variant of Ellen, Elynn is a modern and elegant name.
- Elma: A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Old High German "elma," meaning "noble."
- Elmer: A name of German origin, meaning "wise" or "famous."
- Elmina: A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Latin "elmina," meaning "refuge."
- Elmira: A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Latin "alta," meaning "high."
- Elmyra: A variant of Elmira, Elmyra is a classic name that carries a sense of height and nobility.
- Elnora: A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Latin "honor," meaning "light" or "brightness."
- Eadie: A pet form of the name Eadith, Eadie is an old English name meaning "rich in nobility."
- Eadith: An Old English name meaning "rich in nobility" or "prosperous."
- Ealasaid: A Gaelic form of the name Alexandra, meaning "defender of the people."
- Eamona: An Irish name meaning "gracious" or "kind."
- Earleen: A variant of the name Earlene, possibly derived from the title "earl," meaning "nobleman."
- Earline: A variant of the name Earlene, meaning "noble" or "noblewoman."
- Eartha: A name derived from the word for the planet Earth, suggesting a connection to nature and the world.
- Easther: A variant of Esther, meaning "star" in Persian.
- Eavan: A Gaelic name meaning "little bird" or "little rock."
- Ebbie: A pet form of names like Rebecca or Deborah, meaning "to bind" or "bee."
- Eboni: A name derived from the word "ebony," suggesting a dark and beautiful quality.
- Ebony: A name derived from the wood, meaning "black" or "dark," often used to describe a dark and beautiful complexion.
- Ebonee: A variant of Ebony, Ebonee is a modern and stylish name.
- Ebunoluwa: A Yoruba name meaning "God is the crown of wealth."
- Echelle: A French name meaning "ladder" or "scale," also a variant of the name Michelle.
- Edana: A Gaelic name meaning "little fire" or "fiery one."
- Edda: A name derived from the Old Norse "Edd," meaning "poetry" or "prose."
- Eddith: A variant of Edith, meaning "prosperous in war" or "wealthy in battle."
- Edee: A pet form of names like Adele or Edith, meaning "nobility" or "prosperous in war."
- Eden: A Hebrew name meaning "place of pleasure" or "garden," often associated with paradise.
- Edesia: A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Greek word "edos," meaning "custom" or "manner."
- Edie: A pet form of names like Edith or Edwina, meaning "prosperous in war" or "wealthy in battle."
- Edina: A Scottish name, possibly derived from the word "idin," meaning "island."
- Edisa: A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Slavic word "ed," meaning "to build."
- Edita: A variant of Edith, meaning "prosperous in war" or "wealthy in battle."
- Edna: A Hebrew name meaning "renewer" or "pleasure," also a variant of Eadna.
- Edra: A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Greek word "edra," meaning "seat" or "place."
- Edrei: A unique name with uncertain origins, possibly derived from the Hebrew word "edray," meaning "flock."
- Edris: A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Arabic word "idris," meaning "interpreter."
- Edvige: An Italian form of the name Edwina, meaning "wealthy friend" or "rich friend."
- Efrat: A Hebrew name meaning "fruitful" or "abundant."
- Eftichia: A Greek form of the name Euphemia, meaning "good reputation" or "well-spoken."
- Eileen: An Irish name meaning "shining light" or "beauty."
- Eilis: A Gaelic form of the name Helen, meaning "light" or "torch."
- Eimile: A Gaelic form of Emily, meaning "rival" or "industrious."
- Einar: A Scandinavian name meaning "one" or "alone," also associated with the legendary hero Einar Tambarskjelve.
- Einav: A Hebrew name meaning "beautiful" or "pleasant."
- Einat: A Hebrew name meaning "spring" or "source."
- Einir: A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Old Norse word "ein," meaning "one."
- Eireann: A Gaelic name meaning "Ireland," also associated with the ancient goddess Eriu.
- Eirene: A Greek name meaning "peace," also associated with the goddess of peace.
- Eirlys: A Welsh name meaning "snowdrop," a flower that symbolizes hope and renewal.
- Eisha: A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Arabic word "aisha," meaning "alive" or "living."
- Eivor: A Scandinavian name meaning "universal" or "worldwide."
- Eizab: A variant of Elizabeth, meaning "pledged to God."
- Elaf: A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Arabic word "alaf," meaning "thousand."
- Elai: A Hebrew name meaning "tree" or "oak."
- Elain: A variant of Elaine, meaning "bright" or "shining light."
- Elaina: A variant of Elaine, Elaina is a modern and elegant name.
- Elainah: A variant of Elaina, adding a touch of uniqueness to the classic name.
- Elan: A Hebrew name meaning "tree" or "oak," also associated with strength and grace.
- Elana: A Hebrew name meaning "tree" or "oak," Elana is a modern and elegant name.
- Elane: A variant of Elaine, Elane is a modern and elegant name.
- Elani: A Hawaiian name meaning "royalty" or "chief," also associated with the sky.
- Elanor: A variant of Eleanor, meaning "light" or "bright one."
- Elanore: A variant of Eleanor, Elanore is a classic name that exudes elegance.
- Elberta: A name derived from the German name Albert, meaning "bright" or "famous."
- Eva: A Hebrew name meaning "life" or "living one," also associated with the biblical figure Eve.
- Eloise: A French name meaning "healthy" or "wide" and is a variant of the name Louise.
- Eboni: A name derived from the wood, meaning "black" or "dark," often used to describe a dark and beautiful complexion.
- Emily: A Latin name meaning "rival" or "industrious," Emily is a classic and elegant name.
- Elodie: A French name meaning "elf army," Elodie is a charming and whimsical name.
- Erin: A Gaelic name meaning "peace" or "without war," Erin is a serene and tranquil name.
- Evangeline: A Greek name meaning "bringer of good news" or "messenger of the Gospel," Evangeline is a name with a spiritual connotation.
- Eira: A Welsh name meaning "snow," Eira is a cool and crisp name.
- Estelle: A French name meaning "star," Estelle is a luminous and celestial name.
- Elsa: A Germanic name meaning "noble" or "goddess," Elsa is a classic and strong name.
- Ember: A name derived from the word for the remnants of a fire, suggesting warmth and light.
- Elowen: A Cornish name meaning "elm tree," Elowen is a nature-inspired name.
- Evangelyn: A variant of Evangeline, meaning "bringer of good news."
- Elarae: A unique name with uncertain origins, possibly a blend of Elara and Rae.
- Edwina: An Old English name meaning "wealthy friend" or "rich friend."
- Elora: A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Sanskrit word "el," meaning "light."
- Enid: A Welsh name meaning "soul" or "life," Enid is a spiritual and meaningful name.
- Estella: A variant of Estelle, meaning "star."
- Essie: A pet form of names like Elizabeth or Jessica, meaning "God is my oath" or "wealthy."
- Echo: A Greek name derived from the mythological figure Echo, a nymph who could only repeat what was said to her.
- Evelyn: A name with multiple meanings, Evelyn could mean "wished for child" in Old English or "peace" in Hebrew.
- Evie: A pet form of names like Evelyn or Olivia, meaning "wished for child" or "olive tree."
- Evanna: A unique name with uncertain origins, possibly a blend of Eva and Anna.
- Eiraen: A unique name with uncertain origins, Eiraen has a melodic and rhythmic quality.
- Elspeth: A Gaelic name meaning "noble" or "God's promise," Elspeth is a classic and strong name.
- Elysia: A Greek name meaning "from Elysium," a place of bliss in Greek mythology.
- Elarais: A unique name with uncertain origins, possibly a variant of Elara.
- Elysabeth: A variant of Elizabeth, meaning "pledged to God."
- Etherea: A Greek name meaning "from the ether," the upper sky or heavens.
- Evanthe: A Greek name meaning "good flower" or "beneficial."
- Euphrosyne: A Greek name meaning "joy" or "good cheer," also the name of one of the Three Graces in Greek mythology.
- Elysian: A name derived from Elysium, a place of bliss or paradise in Greek mythology.
- Estee: A French name meaning "esteemed" or "respected."
- Elowyn: A unique name with uncertain origins, possibly a blend of Eloise and Wyn.
- Embla: A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Old Norse word for "elm tree."
- Eiralyn: A unique name with uncertain origins, Eiralyn has a melodic and rhythmic quality.
- Elarani: A unique name with uncertain origins, possibly a blend of Elara and Ania.
- Everly: A modern name meaning "over" or "beyond," suggesting excellence.
- Eirwen: A Welsh name meaning "white" or "fair," Eirwen is a name with a serene quality.
- Estera: A variant of Esther, meaning "star."
- Eloisee: A variant of Eloise, meaning "healthy" or "wide."
- Effie: A pet form of names like Euphemia or Josephine, meaning "good reputation" or "Jehovah increases."
- Evanthea: A Greek name meaning "good flower" or "beneficial," a variant of Evanthe.
- Enora: A French name meaning "light" or "bringer of light."
- Erynn: A unique name with uncertain origins, possibly a variant of Erin or a blend of names like Erin and Lynn.
- Etta: A pet form of names like Katherine or Henrietta, meaning "pure" or "estate ruler."
- Evelina: A Latin name meaning "little eve," suggesting a connection to the first woman, Eve.
- Elaraea: A unique name with uncertain origins, possibly a blend of Elara and Rae.
- Elysiara: A unique name with uncertain origins, possibly a variant of Elysia.
- Eiraine: A Gaelic name meaning "peaceful" or "serene."
- Edenia: A unique name with uncertain origins, possibly derived from the Greek word "edny," meaning "vessel."
- Elenita: A Spanish pet form of names like Elena or Eleonora, meaning "light" or "torch."
- Ebba: A name of Scandinavian origin, possibly derived from the word "ebba," meaning "to ebb" or "flow."
- Edwyna: A variant of Edwina, meaning "wealthy friend" or "rich friend."
- Elanie: A unique name with uncertain origins, possibly a variant of Alana or Elana.
- Elyse: A French name meaning "upland," also a variant of Alice, meaning "noble."
- Eveline: A variant of Evelyn, meaning "wished for child" or "peace."
- Emmeline: A variant of Emily, meaning "rival" or "industrious."
- Estrella: A Spanish name meaning "star," Estrella is a luminous and celestial name.
- Ethna: An Irish name meaning "kernel" or "kernel of a nut," also associated with the legendary figure Eithne.
- Elyra: A unique name with uncertain origins, Elyra has a melodic and rhythmic quality.
- Eryn: A unisex name, Eryn could be a variant of Erin, meaning "peace," or Aaron, meaning "mountain of strength."
- Essence: An English name derived from the word for the intrinsic nature or most central feature of something, suggesting purity and significance.
- Emera: A unique name with uncertain origins, Emera could be related to the word "emerald," suggesting the beauty of the gemstone.
- Eliora: A Hebrew name meaning "God is my light," Eliora is a name that shines with spiritual significance.
- Evania: A variant of the name Evanne, meaning "little bird" in Gaelic, or possibly related to the Greek word "eu," meaning "good."
- Esmeralda: A Spanish name meaning "emerald," Esmeralda is a name that sparkles with the beauty of the gemstone.
- Elaraen: A unique name with uncertain origins, Elaraen could be a blend of Elara and Rae, suggesting celestial beauty.
- Erynne: A variant of Erin, meaning "peace" in Gaelic, Erynne brings a sense of tranquility.
- Ethne: A Gaelic name meaning "kernel" or "essence," Ethne is a name that suggests purity and core identity.
- Elvira: A Spanish name meaning "the white one" or "snowy," Elvira is a name that evokes purity and brightness.
- Emelie: A variant of Emily, meaning "rival" or "industrious" in Latin, Emelie is a classic and elegant name.
- Elysium: A name derived from the Greek word for the blissful afterlife, Elysium is a name that suggests paradise.
- Erina: A name of uncertain origin, Erina could be a variant of Erin, meaning "peace," or related to the Greek word "erion," meaning "wool."
- Evangelyna: A variant of Evangelina, meaning "bringer of good news" in Greek.
- Eldoraine: A unique name with uncertain origins, Eldoraine could be a blend of Eldora and Raine, suggesting a noble and regal nature.
- Enorai: A unique name with uncertain origins, Enorai could be related to the word "enraptured," suggesting admiration or awe.
- Elaraeth: A name that combines Elara and the suffix -eth, Elaraeth has a celestial and ethereal quality.
- Elysara: A unique name with uncertain origins, Elysara could be a blend of Elysium and Sara, suggesting a heavenly and princess-like nature.
- Edyth: An Old English name meaning "prosperous in war" or "wealthy in battle," Edyth is a strong and historic name.
- Elaraia: A unique name with uncertain origins, Elaraia could be a blend of Elara and Aia, suggesting celestial beauty and a connection to the earth.
- Eryka: A variant of Erica, meaning "evergreen" or "ruler," Eryka is a name that suggests enduring strength.
- Emerie: A unique name with uncertain origins, Emerie could be a variant of Emily or a blend of Emma and Erin, suggesting brightness and peace.
- Emmanuelle: A French form of Emmanuel, meaning "God is with us," Emmanuelle is a name that carries a sense of divine presence.
- Elaraena: A name that combines Elara and the suffix -ena, Elaraena has a celestial and enchanting quality.
- Elyraia: A unique name with uncertain origins, Elyraia could be a blend of Elysium and Raia, suggesting a heavenly and radiant nature.
- Emma: A Germanic name meaning "whole" or "universal," Emma is a classic and popular name.
- Edith: An Old English name meaning "prosperous in war" or "wealthy in battle," Edith is a strong and historic name.
- Enya: A Gaelic name meaning "radiance" or "energy," Enya is a name that suggests brightness and vitality.
- Eunice: A Greek name meaning "good victory," Eunice is a name that suggests triumph and nobility.
- Esme: A French name meaning "esteemed" or "loved," Esme is a classic and elegant name.
- Ethel: An Old English name meaning "noble" or "gentle," Ethel is a classic and timeless name.
- Erika: A Scandinavian form of Eric, meaning "evergreen" or "ruler," Erika is a name that suggests enduring strength.
- Eleni: A Greek name meaning "torch" or "light," Eleni is a name that shines with brightness.
- Esmee: A variant of Esme, meaning "esteemed" or "loved," Esmee is a classic and elegant name.
- Esperanza: A Spanish name meaning "hope," Esperanza is a name that suggests optimism and promise.
- Eugenie: A French form of Eugenia, meaning "well-born" or "noble," Eugenie is a name that suggests high birth and grace.
- Emilia: A Latin name meaning "rival" or "industrious," Emilia is a classic and elegant name.
- Ester: A variant of Esther, meaning "star," Ester is a luminous and celestial name.
- Emery: A French name meaning "industrious" or "worker," Emery is a name that suggests hard work and dedication.
- Evette: A French name meaning "little bird," Evette is a charming and whimsical name.
- Emmaline: A variant of Emily, meaning "rival" or "industrious," Emmaline is a classic and elegant name.
- Evita: A Spanish name meaning "little life," Evita is a name that suggests vitality and liveliness.
- Eulalia: A Greek name meaning "well-spoken" or "sweetly speaking," Eulalia is a name that suggests eloquence and grace.
- Euphemia: A Greek name meaning "good reputation" or "well-spoken," Euphemia is a name that suggests a strong character and reputation.
- Eilidh: A Gaelic name meaning "born of the family," Eilidh is a name that suggests a close connection to one's kin.
- Elke: A German name meaning "grace," Elke is a name that suggests elegance and poise.
- Erminia: An Italian name meaning "whole" or "universal," Erminia is a name that suggests completeness and unity.
- Eudora: A Greek name meaning "gift of good," Eudora is a name that suggests generosity and kindness.
- Eirini: A Greek name meaning "peace," Eirini is a serene and tranquil name.
- Eilona: A Hebrew name meaning "tree," Eilona is a nature-inspired name.
- Elysabet: A variant of Elizabeth, meaning "pledged to God," Elysabet is a classic and spiritual name.
- Eila: A name of uncertain origin, Eila could be related to the Hebrew word "ela," meaning "oak tree," or the Finnish word "eila," meaning "rowan tree."
- Elsabet: A variant of Elizabeth, meaning "pledged to God," Elsabet is a classic and spiritual name.
- Elaine: A French name meaning "light" or "torch," Elaine is a luminous and celestial name.
- Ellery: A unisex name, Ellery could be a variant of Hillary, meaning "cheerful" or "shining one."
- Elouise: A French name meaning "famous warrior," Elouise is a name that suggests strength and renown.
- Emmalyn: A variant of Emily, meaning "rival" or "industrious," Emmalyn is a classic and elegant name.
- Emory: A French name meaning "rival" or "industrious," Emory is a classic and elegant name.
- Eriana: A unique name with uncertain origins, Eriana could be a blend of Erin and Anna, suggesting peace and grace.
- Eris: A Greek name meaning "strife" or "discord," Eris is also the name of the goddess of strife in Greek mythology.
- Esmaria: A unique name with uncertain origins, Esmaria could be a blend of Esmeralda and Maria, suggestingthe beauty of the emerald and the divine.
- Evadne: A Greek name meaning "good-minded" or "well-disposed," Evadne is a name that suggests a kind and benevolent nature.
- Evelyne: A variant of Evelyn, meaning "wished for child" or "life" in Old English, Evelyne carries a sense of being cherished and desired.
- Ewa: A Polish name meaning "protection," Ewa is a strong and sheltering name.
- Erika-Marie: A combination of Erika, meaning "evergreen" or "ruler," and Marie, a form of Mary, meaning "drop of the sea" or "bitter." This name blends strength and timeless grace.
- Ermengarde: An Old High German name meaning "brave in battle," Ermengarde is a name that suggests courage and valor.
- Ermione: A Greek name derived from Hermione, meaning "earth" or "stone," Ermione is a name with a connection to the natural world.
- Eula: A name of uncertain origin, Eula could be a variant of Eulah, meaning "youth" or "splendor."
- Eulalie: A French name meaning "well-spoken" or "sweetly speaking," Eulalie is a name that suggests eloquence and grace.
- Euridice: A Greek name meaning "wide justice," Euridice is also the name of a character in Greek mythology known for her tragic love story.
- Eustacia: A Greek name meaning "fruitful" or "productive," Eustacia is a name that suggests abundance and prosperity.
- Evaleen: A variant of Evelyn, meaning "wished for child" or "life," Evaleen is a name that carries a sense of being cherished and desired.
- Evalyn: Another variant of Evelyn, Evalyn shares the same meaning of being a "wished for child" or "life."
- Everlee: A unique name with uncertain origins, Everlee could be seen as a blend of "ever" and "lee," suggesting timelessness and a connection to nature.
- Evey: A pet form of names like Evelyn or Eve, meaning "wished for child" or "life," or "living one," respectively.
- Exene: A unique name with uncertain origins, Exene could be a variant of Xene or a blend of names.
- Eun: A Korean name meaning "grace" or "kindness," Eun is a name that suggests a gentle and benevolent nature.
- Eurydice: A Greek name meaning "wide justice," Eurydice is also the name of a character in Greek mythology known for her tragic love story.
- Evarina: A unique name with uncertain origins, Evarina could be a blend of Eva and the suffix -ina, suggesting a combination of strength and femininity.
- Evi: A short form of names like Evangelia or Josephine, meaning "bringer of good news" or "Jehovah increases."
- Evline: A variant of Eavan or Eva, meaning "little bird" or "life," respectively.
- Evy: A pet form of names like Evelyn or Eva, meaning "wished for child" or "life."
- Elwira: A Slavic name meaning "will" or "determination," Elwira is a name that suggests a strong-willed nature.
- Elzbieta: A Polish form of Elizabeth, meaning "pledged to God," Elzbieta is a classic and spiritual name.
- Emeline: A variant of Amelia or Emily, meaning "work" or "rival," Emeline is a name that suggests industriousness and competition.
- Emlyn: A Welsh name meaning "crooked nose" or "eagle," Emlyn is a name with a connection to nature and strength.
Choosing a name for your baby girl is a personal and significant decision. Names starting with "E" offer a range of meanings and origins, from timeless classics to modern favorites. Whether you’re drawn to traditional elegance or contemporary charm, there’s an "E" name that can perfectly suit your little one.