Choosing the perfect name for your baby girl can be both an exciting and challenging task. If you’re considering names that start with the letter A, you’re in luck! Here’s a comprehensive list of 250 beautiful baby girl names beginning with A, along with their meanings and origins to help you find the perfect name for your little one.
Aanya - In Sanskrit, it means "first" or "eternal", often associated with the first ray of the sun.
Aara - A name of uncertain origin, possibly of African or Hebrew derivation.
Aaradhya - A modern Indian name, likely a combination of two Sanskrit words meaning "worship" and "goddess".
Aarushi - A Hindi name meaning "dawn" or "first light".
Aashna - A name of Indian origin, meaning "to touch" or "to reach out".
Aasia - A variant of Asia, which is derived from the ancient Greek name for the continent.
Aayat - In Arabic, it means "verses" or "signs", often used to refer to verses in the Quran.
Abbie - Short forms of Abigail, meaning "my father is joy" in Hebrew.
Abigail - A Hebrew name meaning "my father is joy". It's a classic name with a long history.
Abra - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from Hebrew or Latin roots.
Abrianna - A modern compound name, combining "Abri" with the popular name ending "-anna".
Acacia - A name derived from the name of a type of tree, symbolizing wisdom and redemption.
Ada - A short form of Adelheid, meaning "noble" in Germanic languages.
Adair - A Scottish name meaning "ford of the noble one".
Adalind - A name of Germanic origin, meaning "noble serpent".
Adalia - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from Hebrew or Greek.
Adamaris - A Spanish name, a variant of Adamaris, which could be derived from Hebrew elements meaning "earth of the sea".
Adara - A Hebrew name meaning "beautiful" or "adorned".
Addie - A diminutive of Adelaide or Adeline, often associated with nobility.
Addison - An English surname turned first name, originally referring to someone who lived near an ash tree.
Adela - A Spanish form of Adelaide, meaning "noble".
Adelaida - A variant of Adelaide, meaning "noble".
Adeline - A French form of Adelaide, meaning "noble".
Adelita - A Spanish diminutive of Adela or Adeline, meaning "noble".
Adella - A variant of Adela or Adeline, meaning "noble".
Adelle - A French form of Adalheidis, meaning "noble".
Adena - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from a place name or a shortened form of Adeline.
Adhara - A name derived from astronomy, referring to a star in the constellation Leo.
Adhira - A name of uncertain origin, possibly of Indian or Arabic derivation.
Adhiti - A Sanskrit name meaning "eternal" or "everlasting".
Adhya - A name of Indian origin, possibly meaning "study" or "learning".
Aditi - A Sanskrit name meaning "boundless" or "infinity", often associated with the Hindu goddess of the same name.
Adiya - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from Hebrew or Indian languages.
Adjoa - A name of African origin, meaning "Thursday's child" in Akan.
Adley - A unisex name, possibly a variant of the surname Adley.
Adonia - A name derived from the Greek name Adonia, associated with the festival of Adonis.
Adriana - A feminine form of Adrian, meaning "man of the Adriatic".
Adriane - A variant of Adriana, with the same meaning.
Adrianna - Another variant of Adriana, with the same origin and meaning.
Adrienne - A French form of Adriana, meaning "man of the Adriatic".
Adrina - A variant of Adriana or Adrienne, with the same meaning.
Afton - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from a place name in Scotland.
Agatha - A Greek name meaning "good" or "pure".
Agnes - A Scottish and English name derived from Agatha, meaning "pure".
Agnieszka - A Polish form of Agnes, meaning "pure".
Aida - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the opera character Aida or from an African name meaning "warrior".
Aileen - A variant of Eileen, an Anglicized form of the Gaelic name Ailín, meaning "beauty" or "bright".
Ailis - A variant of Alice, meaning "noble" or "bright" in Old German.
Aimee - A French form of Amy, derived from the Latin Amalia, meaning "work".
Aisha - An Arabic name meaning "alive" or "she who lives".
Aisling - An Irish name meaning "dream" or "vision".
Aisyah - A variant of Aisha, with the same meaning.
Aiva - A name of uncertain origin, possibly of Latvian origin meaning "life".
Aiyanna - A modern name, possibly a combination of Aisha and Anna, meaning "alive" and "grace".
Aja - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the French word for "butterfly".
Ajah - A name of uncertain origin, possibly a variant of Aja.
Ajana - A name of uncertain origin, possibly related to Ajah.
Aria - An Italian word for "air" or "melody", also used as a name meaning "lioness" in Hebrew.
Audrey - An English name derived from the French name Alys, meaning "noble strength".
Aurora - A Latin name meaning "dawn", also the Roman goddess of the dawn.
Ava - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Latin word for "bird" or the Hebrew for "life".
Angelica - A name derived from the Greek word for "messenger of God", often associated with angels.
Amelia - A Germanic name meaning "work" or "industrious".
Alana - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from Irish or Hawaiian words for "rock" or "harmony".
Alayna - A modern name, possibly a combination of Alana and Kayna, meaning "harmony" and "pure".
Alexandra - A Greek name meaning "defender of the people".
Arden - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from a place name in England.
Ariadne - A Greek name meaning "most holy" or "utterly pure".
Ashley - An English surname turned first name, meaning "ash tree meadow".
Autumn - A name derived from the season, symbolizing change and the falling of leaves.
Ariauna - A variant of Aria, with the same meaning.
Alyssa - A name of uncertain origin, possibly a variant of Alicia, meaning "noble".
Alanah - A variant of Alana, with the same meaning.
Annabelle - A combination of Anna and Belle, meaning "grace" and "beautiful".
Arwen - A Welsh name meaning "great maiden" or "noble woman".
Aerin - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Welsh word for "amber".
Aliya - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from Arabic or Hebrew for "exalted" or "high".
Andromeda - A Greek name, the name of a constellation and a character in Greek mythology, meaning "ruler of men".
Ainsley - An English surname turned first name, meaning "hermit's wood".
Azalea - A name derived from the flower, symbolizing "take a chance on love".
Adele - A name of Germanic origin, meaning "noble".
Aiyana - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from Aisha and Ana, meaning "alive" and "grace".
Athena - A Greek name, the name of the goddess of wisdom and warfare, meaning "wisdom".
Astrid - A Scandinavian name meaning "divinely beautiful".
Alexia - A Greek name meaning "defender".
Amara - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Sanskrit word for "eternal" or the Igbo word for "grace".
Alivia - A variant of Olivia, meaning "olive tree".
Ayla - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from Hebrew for "wave" or "light".
Artemis - A Greek name, the name of the goddess of the hunt, meaning "wilderness" or "sacred".
Allegra - An Italian name meaning "cheerful" or "lively".
Aviana - A modern name, possibly a combination of Ava and Ana, meaning "life" and "grace".
Amber - A name derived from the gemstone, symbolizing "amber".
Amaya - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from Sanskrit for "eternal night" or a Spanish word for "night".
Anneliese - A German form of Anna, meaning "grace".
Asia - A name derived from the continent's name, possibly meaning "from the east".
Alessandra - An Italian form of Alexandra, meaning "defender of the people".
Alice - A name of Germanic origin, meaning "noble" or "bright".
Alessandra - A variant of Alessandra, with the same meaning.
Alice - A name of Germanic origin, meaning "noble" or "bright".
Ariadnea - A variant of Ariadne, meaning "utterly pure" or "most holy" in Greek.
Althea - A Greek name meaning "healer", also the name of a genus of flowering plants.
Arial - A name derived from the typeface, or possibly from the Latin word for "eagle".
Amelie - A French form of Amelia, meaning "work" or "industrious".
Aquila - A Latin name meaning "eagle", also the name of a constellation.
Alessia - A variant of Alessandra, meaning "defender of the people" in Greek.
Ariaella - A modern compound name, possibly combining Aria with the popular name ending "-ella".
Amina - An Arabic name meaning "trustworthy" or "faithful".
Amira - An Arabic name meaning "princess" or "commander".
Annelise - A variant of Anneliese, a German form of Anna, meaning "grace".
Arabella - A name derived from Arabic, meaning "yielding many prayers" or "mixture of tribes".
Adeya - A name of uncertain origin, possibly a variant of Adia, meaning "ornament".
Aishah - A variant of Aisha, meaning "alive" or "she who lives" in Arabic.
Alyse - A variant of Alyssa, possibly a variant of Alicia, meaning "noble".
Aliyah - A Hebrew name meaning "elevated" or "ascent".
Aaliya - A variant of Aliyah, with the same meaning.
Aamira - A variant of Amira, meaning "princess" or "commander" in Arabic.
Aaralyn - A modern name, possibly a variant of Arlene or a combination of Aara and Lynn.
Aava - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from Ava, meaning "life" or "bird".
Aayla - A variant of Ayla, possibly meaning "wave" or "light" in Hebrew.
Abeni - A name of uncertain origin, possibly of African or Hebrew derivation.
Abigale - A variant of Abigail, meaning "my father is joy" in Hebrew.
Abigayle - Another variant of Abigail, with the same meaning.
Abir - An Arabic name meaning "fragrant" or "fragrance".
Abisola - A name of uncertain origin, possibly of African derivation.
Abril - A Spanish name meaning "April", the fourth month of the year.
Aby - A short form of Abigail, meaning "my father is joy".
Adah - A Hebrew name meaning "ornament".
Adalynn - A modern name, possibly a combination of Ada and Lynn, meaning "noble" and "lake".
Adana - A name derived from a city in Turkey, possibly meaning "earth" or "ground".
Addisyn - A modern name, possibly a variant of Addison, meaning "ash tree".
Adel - A short form of Adela or Adeline, meaning "noble".
Adelheid - A Germanic name meaning "noble" or "bright".
Adelynn - A variant of Adalynn, with the same meaning.
Aden - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from a place name in Yemen or meaning "fire" in Hebrew.
Adia - A name of uncertain origin, possibly meaning "ornament".
Adila - An Arabic name meaning "just" or "fair".
Adira - A Hebrew name meaning "strong" or "powerful".
Adria - A name derived from the Adriatic Sea, meaning "man of the Adriatic".
Adriel - A Hebrew name meaning "God is my father" or "man of God".
Afaf - An Arabic name meaning "perfection" or "chaste".
Affrica - A variant of Africa, possibly meaning "land of the Afri".
Afra - An Arabic name meaning "scent" or "fragrance".
Afroditi - A Greek name, the name of the goddess of love, meaning "risen from the foam of the sea".
Agape - A Greek name meaning "love", often used in religious contexts.
Agni - A Sanskrit name meaning "fire", associated with the Hindu god of the same name.
Agrafena - A Russian form of Euphrosyne, meaning "joy".
Aideen - A variant of Aiden, meaning "little fire" in Irish.
Ailsa - A name derived from a Scottish island, possibly meaning "rocky island".
Aina - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from Hebrew for "grace" or Finnish for "little bird".
Ainhoa - A Basque name that is thought to mean "pretty" or "beautiful".
Aislin - A name of Gaelic origin, meaning "dream" or "vision".
Aaliyha - A variant of Aaliyah, meaning "exalted" or "noble" in Arabic.
Aanyaa - A variant of Aanya, meaning "first" or "eternal" in Sanskrit.
Aarani - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Sanskrit word for "thunder".
Aaravi - A name that might be related to the Sanskrit word for "wild" or "untamed".
Aarti - A Hindi name meaning "a ritual of worship performed with light".
Aarzu - A name of Persian origin, meaning "request" or "wish".
Aaseya - A name of uncertain origin, possibly related to the Arabic word for "throne".
Abagael - A variant of Abigail, meaning "my father is joy" in Hebrew.
Abell - A name derived from the word for "apple" or a surname referring to someone who lived near an apple tree.
Abernathy - A surname that has been used as a first name, meaning "high lord" in Gaelic.
Abha - A Sanskrit name meaning "splendor" or "luster".
Abigael - A variant of Abigail, with the same meaning.
Abira - A name of uncertain origin, possibly of Hebrew origin meaning "strong".
Abrina - A name of uncertain origin, possibly a variant of Abrianna.
Achaia - A name derived from a region in ancient Greece, meaning "land of the Achaeans".
Adaeze - A name of Igbo origin, meaning "first daughter".
Adalheid - A Germanic name meaning "noble" or "bright".
Adalin - A name that might be a variant of Adeline, meaning "noble".
Adalwolfa - A compound name of Germanic origin, possibly meaning "noble wolf".
Adalyn - A modern name, possibly a variant of Adeline, meaning "noble".
Adan - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from Hebrew for "red" or a place name in Yemen.
Adanna - A name of Igbo origin, meaning "mother is great".
Addilyn - A modern name, possibly a variant of Addison, meaning "ash tree".
Adeeba - An Arabic name meaning "virtue" or "manners".
Adelind - A Germanic name meaning "noble" or "bright".
Adelyn - A variant of Adeline, meaning "noble".
Ademide - A name of uncertain origin, possibly of Yoruba origin meaning "crown of the people".
Adi - A name of Hebrew origin, meaning "brother" or "ornament".
Adiba - An Arabic name meaning "refined" or "cultured".
Adika - A name of uncertain origin, possibly of Hebrew origin meaning "little adornment".
Adrielle - A variant of Adrienne, meaning "man of the Adriatic".
Adura - A name of uncertain origin, possibly of Yoruba origin meaning "patience".
Adut - A name of uncertain origin, possibly of African origin meaning "flower".
Adya - A name of Sanskrit origin, meaning "first" or "original".
Aesha - A variant of Aisha, meaning "alive" or "she who lives" in Arabic.
Aeshia - A name of uncertain origin, possibly a variant of Aesha.
Aeve - A name of uncertain origin, possibly a variant of Eve, meaning "life".
Afeefah - An Arabic name meaning "dignified" or "noble".
Affan - A name of Arabic origin, meaning "clemency" or "pardon".
Afiya - A name of Swahili origin, meaning "health" or "well-being".
Akasha - A Sanskrit name meaning "sky" or "space".
Aeris - A name derived from Greek mythology, meaning "air" or "mist".
Alara - A name of uncertain origin, possibly of Turkish origin meaning "a type of tulip".
Amethyst - A name derived from the gemstone, symbolizing "sobriety" or "royal".
Anais - A French name, a variant of Anna, meaning "grace".
Angeline - A variant of Angela, meaning "messenger of God".
Ashton - An English surname turned first name, meaning "ash tree town".
Aurora - A Latin name meaning "dawn", also the Roman goddess of the dawn.
Aspen - A name derived from the tree, symbolizing grace and strength, often associated with nature and tranquility.
Aaliye - A variant of Aliya, meaning "exalted" or "noble" in Arabic.
Aleena - A name of Arabic origin, meaning "gentle" or "kind".
Azura - A name with uncertain origins, possibly derived from the word for "sky blue" or "azure".
Aitana - A Basque name meaning "mountain", symbolizing strength and grandeur.
Alva - A name of Old Norse origin, meaning "elf" or "white".
Aviva - A Hebrew name meaning "spring", symbolizing renewal and growth.
Adelina - A variant of Adeline, meaning "noble" in Germanic languages.
Astoria - A name derived from the city in New York, with a grand and regal feel.
Akane - A Japanese name meaning "red", often symbolizing beauty and elegance.
Anastasia - A Greek name meaning "resurrection", associated with the idea of rebirth and hope.
Alondra - A Spanish name meaning "lark", symbolizing joy and freedom.
Aksana - A variant of Alexandra, meaning "defender of the people" in Greek.
Akira - A Japanese name meaning "bright" or "clear", often associated with intelligence and clarity.
Aylin - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from Irish or Hebrew for "beauty" or "light".
Anastasiya - A variant of Anastasia, with the same meaning.
Alina - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from Alice, meaning "noble" or "bright".
Andrea - A Greek name meaning "manly" or "brave", often used as a feminine name.
Arlene - A name derived from the Greek name Eirene, meaning "peace".
Asha - A name of Sanskrit origin, meaning "hope" or "prayer".
Aubrey - A name of Norman origin, meaning "elf ruler" or "noble ruler".
Avery - An English surname turned first name, meaning "ruler of the elves".
Aveline - A variant of Aveline, meaning "desired" or "noble".
Ayana - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from the Japanese word for "colorful".
Alora - A name of uncertain origin, possibly a combination of Alice and Aurora, meaning "noble" and "dawn".
Alecia - A variant of Alicia, meaning "noble".
Arissa - A name of uncertain origin, possibly a variant of Erica, meaning "everlasting".
Audra - A name derived from the Greek name Audra, meaning "fame" or "renown".
Avani - A name of Indian origin, meaning "earth" or "the world".
Averie - A modern name, possibly a variant of Avery, meaning "ruler of the elves".
Azzura - A variant of Azura, with the same meaning.
Azurine - A name derived from the color, symbolizing the sky or the sea.
Aysel - A name of uncertain origin, possibly a variant of Aisha, meaning "alive" or "she who lives".
Adaline - A variant of Adeline, meaning "noble".
Alaina - A variant of Alana, meaning "rock" or "harmony".
Adelaide - A Germanic name meaning "noble" or "kind".
Alaya - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from Hebrew or Sanskrit for "ascetic" or "spiritual".
Aaliyahna - A variant of Aaliyah, meaning "exalted" or "noble".
Arya - A name of Sanskrit origin, meaning "noble" or "honorable".
Alyson - A variant of Alison, meaning "noble" or "son of the noble".
Alannah - A variant of Alanna, meaning "rock" or "harmony".
Angelic - A name derived from the word for "heavenly being", symbolizing purity and grace.
Aira - A name of uncertain origin, possibly a variant of Aria, meaning "air" or "melody".
Ariana - A name derived from the Hebrew name Aryeh, meaning "lion".
Airi - A name of uncertain origin, possibly a variant of Aira.
Adey - A name of uncertain origin, possibly a variant of Adeyemi, meaning "crown of the people".
Aylina - A modern name, possibly a variant of Alina, meaning "noble".
Alaia - A name of uncertain origin, possibly derived from Arabic for "exalted" or "noble".
Alix - A variant of Alice, meaning "noble" or "bright".
Aquamarine - A name derived from the gemstone, symbolizing the color of water and the sea.
These names are not only beautiful but also rich in meaning and history. Choosing one of these names for your baby girl can provide her with a strong and positive identity, carrying forward the legacy of its origins.