Choosing a name for your baby boy is a momentous decision. If you're looking for a name that starts with the letter "D," you're in luck! We've curated a list of 255 baby boy names starting with "D," complete with their meanings and origins. This list combines classic names with modern favorites, ensuring you'll find the perfect fit for your little one.
- Daniel - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "God is my judge." It is derived from the Hebrew name Daniyyel.
- David - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "beloved" or "friend." It comes from the Hebrew name Dawid.
- Dylan - Of Welsh origin, meaning "son of the sea" or "born from the ocean." It is derived from the Welsh elements dy (great) and llanw (flow).
- Dominic - Of Latin origin, meaning "belonging to the Lord." It is derived from the Latin name Dominicus.
- Declan - Of Irish origin, meaning "full of goodness" or "man of prayer." It is derived from the Old Irish name Deaglán.
- Damian - Of Greek origin, meaning "to tame" or "subdue." It is derived from the Greek name Damianos.
- Diego - Of Spanish origin, meaning "supplanter" or "holder of the heel." It is derived from the Hebrew name Ya'aqov, meaning Jacob.
- Dawson - Of English origin, meaning "son of David." It is derived from the Old English personal name Dawe.
- Derek - Of Germanic origin, meaning "ruler of the people." It comes from the Old High German name Theodoric.
- Dean - Of Old English origin, meaning "valley" or "church official." It is derived from the Old English word denu.
- Dante - Of Italian origin, meaning "enduring" or "steadfast." It is derived from the Latin name Durante.
- Donovan - Of Irish origin, meaning "dark" or "brown warrior." It comes from the Gaelic name Donndubhán.
- Desmond - Of Irish origin, meaning "one from South Munster." It is derived from the Old Irish name Deas-Mhumhna.
- Dax - Of French origin, meaning "leader" or "chief." It is derived from the name of a town in southwestern France.
- Daxton - Of American origin, meaning "water" or "from the town of Dax." It is a modern name combining Dax and ton.
- Dexter - Of Latin origin, meaning "right-handed" or "skillful." It comes from the Latin word dexter.
- Dallas - Of Scottish origin, meaning "skilled" or "from the meadow." It is derived from the Old Gaelic name Dail.
- Dakota - Of Native American origin, meaning "friend" or "ally." It is derived from the Sioux tribe's name for themselves.
- Damon - Of Greek origin, meaning "to tame" or "subdue." It is derived from the Greek name Damōn.
- Davis - Of English origin, meaning "son of David." It is derived from the medieval personal name Davys.
- Darwin - Of English origin, meaning "dear friend" or "beloved friend." It comes from the Old English name Deorwine.
- Drake - Of Old English origin, meaning "dragon" or "serpent." It is derived from the Old English word draca.
- Darian - Of Persian origin, meaning "wealthy" or "upholder of good." It is derived from the Persian name Darius.
- Darius - Of Persian origin, meaning "possessor of good" or "upholder of good." It comes from the Old Persian name Dārayavahush.
- Devin - Of Irish origin, meaning "poet" or "defender." It is derived from the Old Irish name Dobhail.
- Darren - Of Irish origin, meaning "great" or "oak tree." It is derived from the Old Irish name Darraí.
- Dennis - Of Greek origin, meaning "follower of Dionysus." It comes from the Greek name Dionysios.
- Dillon - Of Irish origin, meaning "loyal" or "faithful." It is derived from the Old Irish name Dillion.
- Drew - Of Welsh origin, meaning "brave" or "manly." It is derived from the Welsh name Andrew.
- Duke - Of Old English origin, meaning "leader" or "nobleman." It comes from the Latin word dux, meaning leader.
- Dustin - Of Old Norse origin, meaning "brave warrior" or "valiant." It is derived from the Old Norse name Þórsteinn.
- Dash - Of American origin, meaning "spirited" or "bold." It is derived from the English word dash, symbolizing energy and flair.
- Dorian - Of Greek origin, meaning "of Doris" or "from Doris." It is derived from the Greek tribe name Dorian.
- Dominick - Of Latin origin, meaning "belonging to the Lord." It is a variation of the name Dominic.
- Dalton - Of English origin, meaning "from the valley town." It is derived from the Old English words dæl (valley) and tūn (town).
- Deacon - Of Greek origin, meaning "servant" or "messenger." It comes from the Greek word diakonos.
- Denver - Of Old French origin, meaning "green valley." It is derived from the Old French place name.
- Denzel - Of Cornish origin, meaning "from the high stronghold." It is derived from a Cornish place name.
- Dane - Of Old English origin, meaning "from Denmark" or "a Scandinavian." It comes from the Old English word Dene.
- Derrick - Of Germanic origin, meaning "ruler of the people." It is derived from the Old High German name Theodoric.
- Davin - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "beloved" or "friend." It is a variation of the name David.
- Dariel - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "beloved" or "of the oak tree." It combines elements from the name Dariel.
- Dimitri - Of Greek origin, meaning "follower of Demeter." It is derived from the Greek name Demetrios.
- Damien - Of Greek origin, meaning "to tame" or "subdue." It is a variation of the name Damian.
- Darnell - Of English origin, meaning "hidden nook" or "valley." It is derived from a place name meaning "hidden valley."
- Dale - Of Old English origin, meaning "valley." It comes from the Old English word dæl.
- Darnel - Of English origin, meaning "hidden nook" or "valley." It is similar to Darnell but less common.
- Devon - Of English origin, meaning "defender" or "from Devon." It is derived from the name of the county in England.
- Donte - Of Italian origin, meaning "enduring" or "steadfast." It is a variation of the name Dante.
- Douglas - Of Scottish origin, meaning "dark river" or "black stream." It is derived from the Gaelic name Dubhglas.
- Demetrius - Of Greek origin, meaning "follower of Demeter," the goddess of agriculture. It is derived from the Greek name Demetrios.
- Duncan - Of Scottish origin, meaning "dark warrior" or "brown warrior." It is derived from the Gaelic name Donnchadh, combining donn (brown) and cath (battle).
- Darryl - Of English origin, meaning "dear" or "beloved." It is derived from the Old English name Daryl.
- Dayton - Of English origin, meaning "from the day town" or "bright and sunny town." It is derived from the Old English words dæg (day) and tūn (town).
- Deon - Of Greek origin, meaning "divine" or "godly." It is derived from the Greek name Dionysios, often associated with the god Dionysus.
- Deandre - Of American origin, a combination of "De" and "Andre," which means "manly" or "brave." It is derived from the French name André and the prefix De-.
- Deshawn - Of American origin, a blend of "De" and "Shawn," meaning "God is gracious." It combines elements from the name Shawn, which is derived from the Irish name Seán.
- Dimitrios - Of Greek origin, meaning "follower of Demeter." It is a variation of the name Demetrius.
- Davion - Of American origin, a modern name combining "David" and the suffix "-on," meaning "beloved" or "friend."
- Dex - Of English origin, meaning "right-handed" or "skillful." It is a short form of Dexter.
- Dashiell - Of French origin, meaning "from the little fortress." It is derived from the Old French surname De Chiel.
- Damari - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "my vine" or "palm tree." It is derived from the Hebrew word dāmār.
- Draven - Of American origin, meaning "hunter" or "dark." It is a modern name with no established meaning, created for its distinctive sound.
- Darry - Of English origin, a variant of Darryl, meaning "dear" or "beloved."
- Dominik - Of Latin origin, meaning "belonging to the Lord." It is a variation of the name Dominic.
- Damir - Of Slavic origin, meaning "peace" or "to give peace." It is derived from the Slavic name Damir.
- Dario - Of Italian and Spanish origin, meaning "upholder of good" or "possessor of good." It is derived from the Greek name Darius.
- Davian - Of American origin, a modern name that blends "David" and "Ian," meaning "beloved" or "gracious."
- Domenic - Of Latin origin, meaning "belonging to the Lord." It is a variation of Dominic.
- Dilan - Of Turkish origin, meaning "beloved" or "moon." It is derived from the Turkish name Dilân.
- Dangelo - Of Italian origin, meaning "from the angel" or "angelic." It is a modern name combining "Dan" and "Angelo."
- Delfino - Of Italian origin, meaning "dolphin." It is derived from the Latin word delphinus.
- Darin - Of American origin, meaning "beloved" or "little dark one." It is a variation of Darren or Darin.
- Darvin - Of English origin, meaning "dear friend" or "beloved friend." It is a variation of Darwin.
- Dave - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "beloved" or "friend." It is a short form of David.
- Dirk - Of Dutch origin, meaning "ruler of the people." It is derived from the Old High German name Theodoric.
- Durand - Of French origin, meaning "enduring" or "steadfast." It is derived from the Old French name Durand.
- Dickey - Of English origin, meaning "brave" or "bold." It is a diminutive form of Richard.
- Deron - Of Welsh origin, meaning "oak tree" or "little deer." It is a modern variation of Darren.
- Delano - Of French origin, meaning "from the oak grove." It is derived from the Old French place name.
- Domingo - Of Spanish origin, meaning "Sunday" or "born on the Lord’s Day." It is derived from the Latin word dominic.
- Dustan - Of Old Norse origin, meaning "brave warrior" or "valiant." It is a variant of Dustin.
- Derick - Of Germanic origin, meaning "ruler of the people." It is a variant of Derek.
- Daxter - Of American origin, a modern variation of Dexter, meaning "right-handed" or "skillful."
- Delbert - Of Old English origin, meaning "bright valley." It is derived from the Old English words dæge (day) and beorht (bright).
- Donny - Of English origin, meaning "world ruler." It is a diminutive form of Donald.
- Davie - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "beloved" or "friend." It is a diminutive form of David.
- Daulton - Of English origin, meaning "from the town in the valley." It is a variant of Dalton.
- Daylen - Of American origin, meaning "from the day" or "bright." It is a modern variation combining elements of "Day" and "Lynn."
- Dov - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "bear." It is derived from the Hebrew word dov.
- Dougal - Of Scottish origin, meaning "dark stranger" or "dark-haired." It is derived from the Gaelic name Dubhghall.
- Durham - Of English origin, meaning "from the village on the hill." It is derived from the Old English place name.
- Dagoberto - Of Germanic origin, meaning "bright day" or "shining day." It is derived from the Old High German name Dagobert.
- Dominique - Of French origin, meaning "belonging to the Lord." It is a variation of Dominic and used for both genders.
- Dacey - Of Irish origin, meaning "from the south" or "from the daisy flower." It is derived from the Irish name Dáithí.
- Dawayne - Of American origin, a modern variation of Dwayne, meaning "swarthy" or "dark."
- Desi - Of American origin, a short form of Desmond, meaning "one from South Munster."
- Dickie - Of English origin, meaning "brave ruler" or "bold ruler." It is a diminutive form of Richard.
- Doug - Of Scottish origin, meaning "dark water" or "black river." It is a short form of Douglas.
- Destin - Of Latin origin, meaning "fate" or "destiny." It is derived from the Latin word destinare (to determine).
- Danilo - Of Slavic origin, meaning "God is my judge." It is a variant of the name Daniel, commonly used in Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese-speaking countries.
- Davi - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "beloved." It is a variant of the name David and used in Portuguese and Brazilian contexts.
- Donavon - Of Irish origin, meaning "dark warrior." It is a variant spelling of Donovan.
- Devlin - Of Irish origin, meaning "fierce courage" or "brave." It is derived from the Gaelic surname Ó Dobhailín.
- Dequan - Of American origin, a modern name combining "De" and "Quan." It doesn't have a specific meaning but is often used for its distinctive sound.
- Demarco - Of Italian origin, meaning "of the Marco family" or "son of Marco." It is derived from the name Marco.
- Darick - Of English origin, meaning "ruler of the people." It is a variation of Derek.
- Deonte - Of American origin, meaning "enduring" or "steadfast." It is a modern variation combining elements from the name Deon and the suffix "-te."
- Dmitri - Of Greek origin, meaning "follower of Demeter." It is a variation of the Greek name Demetrios.
- Derrek - Of Germanic origin, meaning "ruler of the people." It is a variant of Derek.
- Damond - Of English origin, meaning "to tame" or "subdue." It is a variation of the name Damon.
- Dwight - Of English origin, meaning "white" or "blonde." It comes from the Old English word dwihte, meaning "white."
- Demitri - Of Greek origin, meaning "follower of Demeter." It is a variation of Dmitri.
- Del - Of English origin, meaning "valley." It is derived from the Old English word dæl and is often used as a short form of names like Delbert or Delaware.
- Delwin - Of Old English origin, meaning "friend of the valley" or "friend from the valley." It combines dæl (valley) and win (friend).
- Deondre - Of American origin, a modern variation combining "De" and "Andre," meaning "manly" or "brave."
- Dawud - Of Arabic origin, meaning "beloved." It is the Arabic form of the name David.
- Delton - Of English origin, meaning "from the town in the valley." It is a variation of Dalton.
- Daegan - Of Irish origin, meaning "little fire." It is derived from the Old Irish name Díogán.
- Delvin - Of Irish origin, meaning "fierce courage" or "brave." It is a variant of Devlin.
- Darby - Of Irish origin, meaning "free from envy" or "from the place of the deer." It is derived from the Old Norse name dýr (deer) and by (village).
- Donnelly - Of Irish origin, meaning "descendant of Donnchadh" or "dark warrior." It is derived from the Gaelic surname Ó Donnghaile.
- Denis - Of Greek origin, meaning "follower of Dionysus." It comes from the Greek name Dionysios.
- Decker - Of German origin, meaning "roofer" or "thatcher." It is derived from the Old German name Decker, referring to a profession.
- Dre - Of American origin, a modern short form of names like Andre or Darius. It doesn't have a specific meaning but is used for its contemporary sound.
- Darcy - Of Irish origin, meaning "dark" or "from the dark one." It is derived from the Gaelic surname Ó Dubhrais.
- Davonte - Of American origin, a modern name combining "David" and "Monte," meaning "beloved" or "mountain."
- Daneel - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "God is my judge." It is a variation of the name Daniel, often used in Israeli contexts.
- Dace - Of Latvian origin, meaning "day." It is derived from the Latvian word dace.
- Dain - Of Old English origin, meaning "from Denmark" or "a Scandinavian." It is a variation of the name Dane.
- Diago - Of Spanish origin, meaning "supplanter" or "holder of the heel." It is a variation of Diego.
- Dashawn - Of American origin, a blend of "D" and "Shawn," meaning "God is gracious" or "gift of God."
- Dominico - Of Italian origin, meaning "belonging to the Lord." It is a variation of Dominic.
- Daryan - Of Persian origin, meaning "wealthy" or "upholder of good." It is derived from the Persian name Darius.
- Dakari - Of African origin, meaning "happiness" or "joyful." It is derived from the African name Dakari.
- Dael - Of Old English origin, meaning "valley." It is a variant spelling of Dale.
- Deshaun - Of American origin, a modern name combining "De" and "Shaun," meaning "God is gracious."
- Delmar - Of Spanish origin, meaning "of the sea" or "from the sea." It is derived from the Spanish word mar (sea).
- Daran - Of Irish origin, meaning "oak tree" or "little oak." It is a variation of Darren.
- Dayne - Of English origin, meaning "from Denmark" or "Scandinavian." It is a variant of Dane.
- Don - Of Old English origin, meaning "hill" or "brown." It is often used as a short form of names like Donald.
- Diogo - Of Portuguese origin, meaning "supplanter" or "holder of the heel." It is a variation of Diego.
- Darrius - Of Persian origin, meaning "possessor of good" or "upholder of good." It is a variation of Darius.
- Domini - Of Latin origin, meaning "belonging to the Lord." It is a short form of Dominique or Dominic.
- Dacian - Of Latin origin, meaning "from Dacia" or "of the Dacians." It is derived from the name of an ancient region in Europe.
- D'Andre - Of American origin, a modern name combining "D" and "Andre," meaning "manly" or "brave."
- Dermot - Of Irish origin, meaning "free from envy" or "without jealousy." It is derived from the Old Irish name Diarmuid.
- Demonte - Of American origin, a modern name combining "De" and "Monte," often used for its contemporary appeal.
- Dian - Of English origin, meaning "divine" or "goddess." It is a variation of the name Diane.
- Dwan - Of American origin, a modern variation of names like Duane or Dwayne, meaning "dark" or "swarthy."
- Dom - Of Latin origin, meaning "lord" or "master." It is a short form of Dominic, which means "belonging to the Lord."
- Duane - Of Irish origin, meaning "dark" or "swarthy." It is derived from the Old Irish name Dubhán.
- Demetri - Of Greek origin, meaning "follower of Demeter." It is a variation of Demetrius.
- Darrow - Of Old English origin, meaning "hidden" or "from the hollow." It is derived from an Old English place name.
- Dara - Of Hebrew and Irish origin, meaning "nugget of wisdom" or "oak tree." In Hebrew, it means "nugget of wisdom," and in Irish, it means "oak tree."
- Danton - Of French origin, meaning "from the town of Danton." It is derived from a place name.
- Deniro - Of Italian origin, meaning "money." It is inspired by the Italian surname De Niro, notably associated with actor Robert De Niro.
- Dublin - Of Irish origin, meaning "black pool." It is derived from the Irish place name Dubhlinn.
- Draco - Of Greek origin, meaning "dragon" or "serpent." It is derived from the Greek word drakōn.
- Dan - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "judge" or "God is my judge." It is a short form of Daniel.
- Dev - Of Indian origin, meaning "god" or "deity." It is derived from the Sanskrit word deva.
- Davon - Of American origin, meaning "beloved." It is a modern variation combining elements of David and Devon.
- Donato - Of Italian origin, meaning "given" or "gift." It is derived from the Latin name Donatus.
- Danis - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "judge" or "God is my judge." It is a variation of the name Daniel.
- Dayvon - Of American origin, a modern name combining "Day" and "Von," meaning "day" and "from."
- Dray - Of English origin, meaning "cart driver" or "wagoner." It is derived from the Old English word dræg (cart).
- Deanthony - Of American origin, a combination of "De" and "Anthony," meaning "priceless" or "highly praiseworthy."
- Daris - Of Greek origin, meaning "upholder of good." It is derived from the name Darius.
- Dennison - Of English origin, meaning "son of Denis." It is derived from the surname Dennison, which means "follower of Dionysus."
- Dior - Of French origin, meaning "golden" or "dear." It is derived from the French fashion brand name.
- Dovon - Of American origin, a modern variation of Dov, meaning "bear."
- Donnell - Of Irish origin, meaning "world ruler" or "dark chief." It is derived from the Gaelic name Domhnall.
- Drevin - Of American origin, a modern name combining "D" and "Revin," with no specific meaning but created for its distinctive sound.
- Domenik - Of Latin origin, meaning "belonging to the Lord." It is a variation of Dominic.
- Damarion - Of American origin, a modern combination of "Damian" and "Marion," meaning "to tame" and "of the sea."
- Darcell - Of French origin, meaning "little darling" or "darling one." It is derived from the name Darcelle.
- Daylin - Of American origin, meaning "from the day" or "bright." It is a modern variation combining "Day" and "Lynn."
- Danick - Of American origin, a modern variation of Daniel or Dan, meaning "God is my judge."
- Denali - Of Native American origin, meaning "the high one" or "tall." It is derived from the Koyukon Athabaskan name for Mount McKinley.
- Davor - Of Slavic origin, meaning "to give" or "gift." It is derived from the Slavic name Davor.
- Demyan - Of Greek origin, meaning "follower of Demeter." It is a variation of Dmitri.
- Daksh - Of Indian origin, meaning "capable" or "competent." It is derived from the Sanskrit word dakṣa.
- Dristan - Of English origin, meaning "brave" or "warrior." It is a modern name inspired by names like Tristan.
- Darrin - Of Irish origin, meaning "oak tree" or "little oak." It is a variation of Darren.
- Daryl - Of English origin, meaning "dear" or "beloved." It is derived from the Old English name Daryl.
- Declyn - Of English origin, meaning "full of goodness." It is a modern variation of Declan.
- Deion - Of Greek origin, meaning "divine" or "god-like." It is derived from the name Dionysius.
- Deiter - Of German origin, meaning "warrior of the people." It is derived from the Old High German name Dietrich.
- Dejuan - Of American origin, a modern variation combining "De" and "Juan," meaning "God is gracious" and "John."
- Denny - Of English origin, meaning "valley" or "from the valley." It is a diminutive form of Dennis.
- Denzil - Of Cornish origin, meaning "from the high stronghold." It is derived from the Cornish place name.
- Dewey - Of Welsh origin, meaning "beloved" or "darling." It is derived from the Welsh name Dewi.
- Dillion - Of Irish origin, meaning "loyal" or "faithful." It is a variant spelling of Dillon.
- Dino - Of Italian origin, meaning "little sword" or "noble." It is a diminutive form of names like Bernardino or Valentino.
- Dion - Of Greek origin, meaning "of Zeus" or "divine." It is derived from the Greek name Dionysius.
- Doyle - Of Irish origin, meaning "descendant of the dark stranger" or "from the dark well." It is derived from the Irish surname Ó Dubhghaill.
- Drexel - Of American origin, meaning "from the Drexell family." It is derived from the surname Drexell, with no specific meaning.
- Dudley - Of English origin, meaning "from the dark meadow." It is derived from an Old English place name.
- Dwayne - Of Irish origin, meaning "dark" or "swarthy." It is derived from the Old Irish name Dubhán.
- Dyllan - Of Welsh origin, meaning "son of the sea" or "born from the ocean." It is a modern spelling variation of Dylan.
- Dylon - Of Welsh origin, meaning "great tide" or "sea." It is a modern variation of Dylan.
- Deagan - Of Irish origin, meaning "little fire." It is derived from the Old Irish name Díogán.
- Deangelo - Of Italian origin, meaning "from the angel" or "angelic." It combines "Dan" with "Angelo."
- Delaney - Of Irish origin, meaning "from the oak grove" or "descendant of the challenger." It is derived from the Irish surname Ó Dubhshláine.
- Darrick - Of English origin, meaning "ruler of the people." It is a variation of Derek.
- Dusty - Of English origin, meaning "brave" or "valiant." It is often used as a diminutive form of Dustin.
- Darrell - Of English origin, meaning "beloved" or "dear." It is derived from the Old French name Darel.
- Donald - Of Scottish origin, meaning "world ruler" or "ruler of the world." It is derived from the Gaelic name Domhnall.
- Darien - Of Greek origin, meaning "gift" or "from Darius." It is a variation of the name Darius.
- Dillan - Of Irish origin, meaning "loyal" or "faithful." It is a variation of Dillon.
- Douglass - Of Scottish origin, meaning "from the dark stream" or "from the dark river." It is derived from the Old Gaelic name Dubhglas.
- Duran - Of Spanish origin, meaning "enduring" or "lasting." It is derived from the Spanish name Durán.
- Durrell - Of English origin, meaning "enduring" or "steadfast." It is a variation of Durand.
- Dyson - Of English origin, meaning "son of the dark one" or "from the son of the dark one." It is derived from the Old English name Disa.
- Dariusz - Of Persian origin, meaning "upholder of good" or "possessor of good." It is a variation of Darius used in Polish contexts.
- Darrel - Of English origin, meaning "beloved" or "dear." It is a variant spelling of Darrell.
- Darron - Of English origin, meaning "oak tree" or "little oak." It is a variation of Darren.
- Darryll - Of English origin, meaning "dear" or "beloved." It is a variant spelling of Darryl.
- Davey - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "beloved" or "friend." It is a diminutive form of David.
- Davide - Of Italian origin, meaning "beloved" or "friend." It is the Italian form of David.
- Demetrios - Of Greek origin, meaning "follower of Demeter." It is a variation of Demetrius.
- Denton - Of English origin, meaning "from the town in the valley." It is derived from a place name in Old English.
- Deric - Of Germanic origin, meaning "ruler of the people." It is a variation of Derek.
- Derrin - Of Irish origin, meaning "oak tree" or "little oak." It is a variation of Darren.
- Derrion - Of American origin, meaning "from Darren" or "little oak." It is a modern variation of Darren.
- Desmon - Of English origin, meaning "one from South Munster." It is a variation of Desmond.
- Desmund - Of Irish origin, meaning "one from South Munster." It is a variant spelling of Desmond.
- Devonte - Of American origin, meaning "devoted" or "steadfast." It is a modern variation combining "Devon" with "-te."
- Dewitt - Of Dutch origin, meaning "from the white" or "white." It is derived from the Dutch surname De Witt.
- Duff - Of Scottish origin, meaning "dark" or "swarthy." It is derived from the Scottish surname.
- Donnie - Of English origin, meaning "world ruler" or "dark chief." It is a diminutive form of Donald.
- Delroy - Of French origin, meaning "of the king" or "royal." It is derived from the French name Delroy.
- Donavan - Of Irish origin, meaning "dark" or "swarthy." It is a variant of Donovan.
- Darrold - Of English origin, meaning "from the valley" or "of the valley." It is a variation of Darrell.
- Deante - Of American origin, a modern name combining "De" and "Ante," often used for its contemporary sound.
- Dejon - Of American origin, a modern variation combining "De" and "Jon," meaning "God is gracious" or "gift from God."
- Dexterious - Of American origin, a modern variation of Dexter, meaning "right-handed" or "skillful." It combines "Dexter" with the suffix "-ious."
- Dillinger - Of German origin, meaning "of the family of Dillingen." It is derived from a German place name.
- Dionicio - Of Spanish origin, meaning "of Dionysus" or "divine." It is derived from the Greek name Dionysius.
- Dionysus - Of Greek origin, meaning "follower of Dionysus," the god of wine and festivity. It is derived from the Greek name Dionysios.
- Dorien - Of Dutch origin, meaning "from the ancient city" or "of the Doric tribe." It is derived from the Greek name Dorotheos.
- Drayden - Of American origin, a modern variation of Drayton, meaning "from the town by the river."
- Drey - Of American origin, a modern short form of names like Andre or Drake, often used for its contemporary sound.
- Driscoll - Of Irish origin, meaning "from the deep meadow." It is derived from the Irish surname Ó Driscoll.
- Dubhghall - Of Scottish origin, meaning "dark stranger" or "dark-haired." It is derived from the Gaelic name Dubhghall.
- Durell - Of English origin, meaning "enduring" or "steadfast." It is a variation of Durrell.
- Dymond - Of English origin, meaning "diamond" or "precious stone." It is a modern variation of the word diamond.
- Dyron - Of American origin, a modern variation of Dorian or Byron, meaning "of the oak tree."
- Dzmitry - Of Belarusian origin, meaning "follower of Demeter." It is a variation of Dmitri.
- Darragh - Of Irish origin, meaning "oak tree" or "descendant of the oak." It is derived from the Gaelic name Darragh.
- Dariano - Of Italian origin, meaning "gift" or "from Darius." It is a modern variation combining Darian and Darius.
- Darrien - Of American origin, a variation of Darian, meaning "from Darius" or "gift."
- Daschle - Of American origin, meaning "from the town of Daschle." It is derived from a place name.
- Darion - Of Greek origin, meaning "gift" or "from Darius." It is a modern variation of Darius.
- Darious - Of Persian origin, meaning "possessor of good" or "upholder of good." It is a variation of Darius.
Choosing a name for your baby boy is a special task, and we hope this list of names starting with "D" helps you find the perfect one. Each name carries its own unique meaning and origin, offering a variety of options for your little one's bright future.